Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Do So Have a Heart!

Yesterday, I had my six-month check-up with my cardiologist. I go to see him to make sure my aorta/pig valve is still oinking along. Apparently, it is, because he tells me it is. Not being an expert in the field, I take his word for it. And I don't have to go back for six months.

The other members of the health care team are all on a three month schedule and it seems like I should be able to stretch that out by now. If I had a rash, or some big old ugly festering sore that needed to be looked at and treated, I'd be happy to go as often as requested. But everything that I'm being checked for is on the inside and not visible to the naked eye. My office visits could pretty much be accomplished with a 'phone call.

"Joan? This is Dr. Whooziz. How are you feeling?"

"Doing well, Dr."

"Are you exercising regularly?"

"Well, not as regularly as you'd like, but I get around okay."

"Are you maintaining a healthy weight?"

"I've actually lost two pounds since we spoke last."

"That's good. No chest pain? No palpitations? S.O.B.?"
(No, he didn't call me a bad name, that means shortness of breath)

"No, none of the above Dr. Things are fine, I think."

"Okay, Joan. If you have any questions, save them for our next chat."

Now, I'd have pretty much the same conversation(s) with Dr. Whatzis and Dr. CutUp.

Of course, there remains the matter of the fee - or no fee. No office visit means no $$. So, I go to the office every three months, and we have basically the same conversation. The only difference is they get to bill my insurance, and I write out a check for my co-pay.

Oh, yeah, and I don't get to lie about losing two pounds.

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