Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Two Years Clean

Today I saw the surgeon. The very nice man who rearranged my digestive system. I've been seeing him every three months for the past two years. With the exception of a few times early on in the first year when there was a glitch or two that required more frequent seeing, or on his part, looking. Everything is pretty much as it was before the cancer was removed, along with some of my original parts. At this point, all test results - CT scans and blood work - show that there has been no recurrence. This is, of course, good news. And while I would wish that some of my issues would go away, I am required to take the doctor's optimism at face value, and believe that I can continue to live a good life.

So I left his office with instructions to increase some of my medication, get a repeat blood test to check for carcinogenic embryonic antigens (CEA), and a return appointment in six months. Yep, six months. It seems that reaching two years without a recurrence is a big deal and we can extend the time between appointments.

That leaves the oncologist, the cardiologist, Mammogramist (?), and of course, my primary care physician. Not to mention the G.I. Guy who does the colonoscopy. With all these professionals taking care of my health, I should live forever. As if.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Yell!

Okay, okay. I haven't been around. And you miss me. Yeah, right. When I started this, I fully intended to write every day. So far, I isn't working. But, hey, I have other things to do.

I wake up about 5 am ish every morning, drink my coffee (Love that programmable pot!) and read the paper. That would be the Times Leader. I do the Jumble, the Cryptogram and Sudoku. Then another coffee with my morning bagel. Check the e-mail, read a blog or two, do a jigsaw puzzle. Really heady stuff.

About this time, I'm doing the dishes (from the previous night's supper). Make whatever calls I have to make. Usually calling a doctor's office for refills of prescriptions. Write a check or two to pay my bills. Look around to see what needs attention - dusting, vacuuming, tidying. That doesn't mean I'm going to dust, vacuum or tidy.

I look through the store flyers to see if there are any sales on items I might need. I note which stores have the deals and plan to get there at some point during the week. Of course, I don't always make it, but I plan, I plan.

About every three weeks, I have a load of laundry to do. Wash, dry and fold. There's a 65 minute job done.

Now that the clothes are clean, I'll shower and change. By now, it's time to think about lunch. Make lunch. Eat lunch. Rest up from the exertion of lunch.

Read a bit. Take out the trash. Rest up from the exertion.

Watch Cold Case. Think about supper. Have a snack while I think about supper. Cook supper. Eat supper. Put the dishes in the sink. Rest up.

Watch the news, a little TV. Read. Pretty soon it's time to think about going to bed. Which is a whole thought process of its own, never mind the planning that goes into it.

So you can see that with all the planning and resting up, there isn't a lot of time to get on in here and blog.

I ask that you don't yell at me for several reasons. Even though I intend to blog every day, what with all the other things that require my attention, I sometimes get so bogged down in the minutiae of my days that I'm too exhausted to do much else. You do see, don't you?

While it's nice to know that you miss me, it's important that you understand how screamingly busy I am. If I promise to do better, you must promise not to yell. Thank you.