Sunday, May 18, 2014


I was getting ready to write a post about last evening's Ballet Danse, the recital in which my two little dancing granddaughters danced in Jack and the Beanstalk. The older girl, nearing 13, has been dancing for nine years, and this was her first year on pointe. She danced the part of a cloud as three girls, dancing as birds, danced as if in the sky. Our girl was graceful and smiling and very confident in her ability on pointe.

The Little Sister, almost nine, has been dancing for six years. She was a Court Performer in the giant's castle, and was quite proficient in her one-handed cartwheels, her walk-overs, and her "coffee grinders". She's a bundle of energy on stage and a joy to watch.

Anyway, to get back to the first sentence of this post, when I read last year's post, it was almost the same. Except this year, the Big Girl was also dancing in the Senior section and her dance was a tribute to the Boston Red Sox. As the shortest, she got a lot of front row time and Lordy! can she dance!

So, just as I told you last year at this time, there will be another recital next weekend for Jazz, Tap, and Hip-Hop. They both dance all three of those disciplines so back to the flower shop for more tribute bouquets.

I suppose I could just skip the annual Dance Report, but then I wouldn't get to brag about the Tiny Dancers.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Just a few random thoughts---

I don't like cooking. I used to like to cook when the house was full of hungry boys with appetites for whatever was put in front of them. Now, it's just for me and I could eat cheese and crackers or a peanut butter sandwich and be satisfied. I could go out to eat every night if I chose, since there are enough restaurants in a five mile radius to keep me going without repeats for several weeks. Trouble is, going out means the combing of the hair and the finding of the shoes and the driving of the car. Seems like a lot of trouble when I already have peanut butter right here and I don't have to put on shoes!!


I have some work to be done on the house. But finding someone to do it without charging me more than I can afford is what makes me procrastinate. And this being northeastern Pennsylvania, it's hard to find someone willing to even return your call, let alone come and offer to do your work. I called four advertised contractors and two never called back; one said he had more work than he could handle; one said the job wasn't worth coming out to look at.


Whatever happened to slips? I mean underwear slips. They were pretty much a staple of every woman's wardrobe a hundred years ago when I was young. There were full slips and half slips. There were slips that went under every day dresses and skirts and long slips that went under gowns. And no self-respecting female would leave the house without a slip. Stand with the sun behind you and without a slip, you're a horn-dog's delight. So whatever happened to slips?


Kudos to the young man who took his great-grandmother to his Prom. There's a true gentleman and I predict an astounding future for him. (Lest you think he was the School Geek, this is the tall, handsome captain of the football team. I'm sure he could have asked any girl in the school)


I filled up with tears at the story of the Hurricane Sandy displaced family who lost their beloved dog in the storm. After 18 months, they went to the ASPCA to adopt another dog and were greeted by their lost pet, Reckless. Makes you believe in miracles.